Refund Policy & Return Policy

Returns are accepted within 4 days of successful delivery. we'll process your return within 1 day. To initiate a return, please contact our support team at:  +917990895876

Once your order is successfully picked up, we will process your refund to your preferred UPI number or bank account within 6-7 Business days. Our support team will contact you to confirm your details before finalizing the refund.

  • The order will be delivered in 3-7 working days (depend on your location PIN Code Availability)
  • Please ensure that returned products are unused, unworn. If not, 50% of the amount will be deducted from the refundable amount. 


Any replaced order that are not accepted by the customer the charges of 129/- will be deducted from the Paid amount. And refund will proceed within 6-7 business days.